The well-made clothes that made in 100% pashm almostwon’t shrink,the high quality pashm will be
exhibited only if it undergoesmilling,ironning and other handling mathods.So,the cloth made in 100% pashmwill not shrink if it gets pr oper care.
But,why do we buy thepashm clothes will shrink? In fact,the shrinkage usual appear on the clothwhich is made in the mixture of passhm and wool,and the wool isshrinkable,especially the content is 8% to 10%.Therefore,we should know theprice of the cloth ,which can render us to estimate it is true or not.
As for the cloth made inthe 100% pashm,in order to it will not shrink after wearing repeatedly that weshould assure the washing mathod.we should sustain the temperature in 20 to 30degrees,use neutral detergent and rub sightly.After washing,let it spreadout,instead of hanging. What’smore,we also can choose to iron or dry-clean,and control the temperaturedegrees in 100 to 110.
Maybe you have anotherproblem:all the pilling pashm cloth isn’t true pashm,is it?
The fact shows that nopashm can not pill after long time.But we can distinguish if the pashm isqualified by the pilling extent.
The causes of pilling isnumerous.For example,the material,the aftertreatment,and the friction.Thematerial mainly impacts the length and the fineness.The average fineness ofpashm is 14 to 16 um.the length is 35 to 45 mm. the material is shorter,thepilling is more possible.In addiction,the aftertreatment can also lead topilling.The area of pashm is bigger,it is easy to pill. Finally,the friction isa universal cause of pilling.the pashm contact with other objects perenniallyis very easy result in pilling.
Thetips about pashm
1.Buy the highqualify pashm to the greatest extent,it can fairly avoid pilling.
2.Dry-clean isa best chosen.If you have to washing,keep the immersion time in 10 minutes.
3.Avoidcontacting with the harsh objects.
4.Deal with thefirst pilling properly.