Bamboo textiles are cloth, yarn, and clothing made out of bamboo fibres. While historically used only for structural elements, such as bustles and the ribs of corsets, in recent years a range of technologies have been developed allowing bamboo fibre to be used in a wide range of textile and fashion applications. Modern bamboo clothing is clothing made from either 100% bamboo yarn or a blend of bamboo and cotton yarn or even cashmere yarn such as in Consinee cashmere yarn is blended with bamboo yarns and cotton. The bamboo yarn can also be blended with other textile fibres such as hemp or even spandex.
Bamboo yarns have many advantages and also have some potential negatives.
When it is wet and swells considerably in water, bamboo yarn loses strength.
The yarn may not be very cohesive. Some brands split much more than others.
Bamboo yarn isn't a great choice for things that need to be washed frequently because bamboo needs to be hand-washed.
Then we will give you some tips for Working with Bamboo Yarn
If the antibacterial property is something you are looking for, stick with a 100 percent bamboo yarn or choose one that has at least 70 percent bamboo for best results.
Use blunt-ended needles to cut down on the splitting (perhaps bamboo needles?).
If you're looking for strength in the fabric but are using a fine bamboo yarn, try knitting with two strands held together.
Knit slowly at first to avoid splitting.