Romantic and fluffy racoon yarn- 2020/2021AW series
What is racoon?
Racoon is produced by racoon dog, which issimilar with fox in appearance. Racoon dog has long hair, full inner hair, goodluster and strong heat preservation.
Racoon fibre is the inner hair of racoonouter fur and it is precious natural animal fibre.
Racoon fibre is fine and long with verygood hand feel and heat preservation.
Consinee promote high end racoon series in2020/2021AW. Knitwear made from pure racoon is very light like cloud and dream.The knitwear surface is fluff and full.
2/20Nm 100% racoon 2020/2021AW new series
Knitwear made from 100% racoon yarn isfluff and full, warm and light. People feel relaxing and comfortable in racoonwear.
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